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Casino Key Control: Stacking the Odds in Favor of Key and Asset Security

Casino Key Control: Stack the Odds in Your Favor

The glitz, glamour and excitement that surround casinos can sometimes distract from what is going on behind the scenes. A complex system involving casinos' most precious assets and the keys that secure them has evolved over the years in an attempt to deter criminals.
Key control systems aid in preventing theft by not only keeping assets out of the grasp of unauthorized individuals, but also keeping them from gaining access to the keys protecting those items. Here are a few ways electronic key control systems can keep your keys and assets secure.

Key Security

You most likely already know the importance of locking up your cash and chips in secure vaults. However, if the keys that unlock the vaults aren't also secure, your items are still susceptible to theft. An electronic key control system can help prevent keys from falling into the wrong hands.

Select a key control system that allows you to set up additional barriers such as logging in with a password, proximity card or fingerprint when users want to access a key. Once you set these additional security measures, key access will be denied without the proper credentials.
You should also make sure you select a key control system with an active total lockdown feature to prevent any other key from being taken, even accidentally. Only the requested key will unlock and all other keys will stay locked in place, so you can be confident that your casino's keys are secure.

Asset Security

Casinos must protect a number of important assets along with keys. For instance, guards' firearms should be locked away when not being worn. Laptops and smartphones may also need to be secured if they contain proprietary company data.

To best protect your non-key assets, look for a key control system that provides alternative lockdown storage such as steel lockers. Not only will these tamper-resistant lockers prevent important assets from being taken, but employees' access can be restricted to just the lockers for which they've been authorized. By limiting access to only the people who need certain items, you greatly reduce the chances of theft.
Using a system that secures both your assets and keys will help ensure robbers don't disrupt your operations. To learn more about the benefits of electronic key control, check out this post.
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