Gold Bar
License Plates [87536532]

Tracking Your Dealer Plates Doesn't Have to Be a Hassle

Dealer plate tracking is one of the less glamorous parts of owning or working for a dealership. But it’s a job you have to do.

Failing to keep track of demo plates or using them improperly could result in substantial fines from your state’s dealer license bureau. You could even have your dealer license suspended or revoked. To take the hassle out of dealer plate management while reducing your liability, follow the tips below.

1. Store Dealer Plates in a Central Location

When someone needs a plate for a test drive, save your salespeople some steps and store your license plates with your keys. Salespeople will be able to check out a key and a plate at the same time, allowing them to get prospects in vehicles faster. (And they’ll thank you for not having to keep track of a stack of demo plates in their desk drawers!)

2. Control Access

Keeping keys and dealer plates in the same place is convenient, but make sure you can keep plates out of the wrong hands. Dealer plates are the most commonly stolen type of license plate, so it's important to keep them locked up when you're not using them. Electronic key and dealer plate management systems allow you to secure both keys and plates in an electronic drawer. Only authorized employees will be able to access the system.

Electronic key and dealer plate management system. The electronic drawer contains slots for dealer plates and keys.

3. Hold Employees Accountable

When an employee loses a plate, do you know about it? Another benefit of storing your plates in an electronic system is you’ll have a 100 percent verifiable record of dealer plate access. At any time, you can find out which salesperson has a specific plate.

Having an audit trail also protects your business. If your state is cracking down on dealer plate fraud — like Texas and Arizona — you’ll want to have a record showing who used each plate and why.

Managing your license plates doesn’t have to be a headache. Following the above tips will not only make tracking plates more convenient but more secure as well.

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