Is your business still using manual processes? Experts predict that businesses worldwide will spend $3.4 trillion on digital transformation through 2026. Yet there are still some businesses that are “proud to be analog.” For example, 88% identify network vulnerabilities manually, and one-third of businesses use some combination of spreadsheets or paper to report expenses.
Manual processes might be common, but that doesn’t make them ideal. To keep your operations on track, your organization can’t afford not to modernize outdated processes — like key management. If your business is still using a manual logbook or spreadsheet, it’s time to upgrade to electronic key control. Here are three reasons why:
1. It's Easier to Hold Employees Accountable
Processes are only as effective as the people who follow them. With manual procedures, it’s harder to ensure employees are updating key logs accurately and using company keys and assets appropriately.
An electronic key management system will automatically authenticate employees by requiring them to enter a password, swipe a proximity card, or scan their fingerprint to gain access to keys. In addition, you can set up access levels so employees can only remove keys they’re authorized to have. If there are any questions about stolen or missing items, you can refer to the system’s real-time audit trail.
2. Automating Your Key Log Saves Time
Manual logs are time-consuming since they require employees to write down or type in information, such as their name, the key they’re checking out, and the date and time. An electronic system, however, instantly records all pertinent information. On average, it’s at least twice as fast as a manual process.
You also won't have to worry about an employee forgetting to update a log when they take or return a key. With an analog process, you'd have to spend time hunting down the key with no clues. An electronic system can help you locate a missing key by sending you a text or email alert when a key is overdue. The notification includes the name of the employee who last checked it out and the time they took it from the system.
3. Electronic Logs Increase Security
Key management that relies heavily on human effort puts your business’s security at risk. With outdated manual steps — like updating a key logbook — it’s only a matter of time before mistakes occur. In fact, manual data entry has an 18% to 40% chance of human error. In addition, if the person in charge of issuing keys is unavailable, someone could remove a key without updating the log or take a key they’re not authorized to have.
Manual data entry has an 18% to 40% chance of human error.
Electronic key control systems have built-in security controls to mitigate these risks. Authorized users can securely check out keys within predefined business hours, even if a key custodian or system administrator isn’t present. Because the system records every key transaction automatically, human error is less likely. Finally, if someone attempts to access the system without permission, it’ll deny access and issue an audible alarm and/or send you a text or email alert.
Don’t let your manual processes interfere with your operations. Modernize your key logs to save time, reduce errors, and protect your business.