Are there any keys around your facility that you’re not accounting for? You can have all your primary keys securely stored inside your KeyTrak system, but if you have copies of keys floating around your business, you haven’t fully mitigated your key control risk.
For example, you could have an employee set up as a user in your key control system so you can control their access to the keys they need. Every time they remove a key, you have a record of when they removed it and why. However, if they know where to find a spare key, they could potentially use a key they don’t have permission to use. Even if they are authorized to use it, though, you won’t have an audit trail if they use the unsecured spare key instead of the primary key stored inside the KeyTrak system.
Some examples of keys you might not have in your KeyTrak system include:
- Building keys used for temporary access or in case the primary key is lost
- Duplicate keys for dealership inventory
- Valet keys for fleet vehicles
- Extra desk drawer or filing cabinet keys
To protect all your keys, follow the steps below:
- Run a report of all the keys your key control system currently manages.
- Make a list of which keys have spares and how many. If you’re not sure if spares exist, add those keys to the list anyway and look into whether copies exist.
- Determine the location of all duplicate keys and add them to your KeyTrak system.
- Attach each spare key to a separate tag from the primary key.
If your system doesn’t have enough space to accommodate the additional keys, contact us to add additional drawers or key panels.