Crisis-Proofing Your Dealership: How Electronic Key Control Builds Resilience

Learn how electronic key control systems enhance data availability, multi-location coordination, financial health, and customer experience.

Combine Cybersecurity With These 4 Physical Security Tips

Key control can help reduce a security breach by controlling access to keys to areas where sensitive information is stored.

How Inadequate Key Control Puts Hospital Patients at Risk

Key control can hold employees accountable to reduce the risk of drug diversion, data breaches from device theft, and the effects of staffing shortages.

Using Multifactor Authentication to Protect Physical Keys

Just as you use multifactor authentication to protect your digital assets, you should protect your physical keys and fobs with multiple layers of security.

3 Ways Healthcare Providers Can Prevent Security Breaches

Healthcare organizations can help prevent security breaches by tightening their facility's key security.

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    Since 1987, KeyTrak’s electronic key control systems have helped organizations worldwide manage their keys, assets, and employees. The KeyTrak blog is your source for key and asset management news, best practices, and more.