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How to Make Your Security Measures More Effective

When you think about security threats to your business, do you think about somebody smashing a window and running off with a computer? What about a mysterious hacker from a distant country holding your proprietary data for ransom?

While those two scenarios are certainly risks you should prepare for, oftentimes the biggest security threat to a business is far less obvious and rarely prepared for. Did you know that employee theft costs U.S. businesses $50 billion a year? In fact, privilege abuse and human errors are among the leading causes of data breaches.

Locked doors, gates, and security cameras are great first steps toward making your facility more secure — whether it's a single office building or a sprawling complex — but lacking the ability to hold your employees accountable will still cost you in the long run.

Here are some steps you can take to improve the security of your business that go beyond the basics.

Establish Security Protocols

Security cameras and access-controlled doors and gates are great, but they can also be rendered meaningless if they aren't used correctly. For example, how easy is it to get into your secure buildings during regular working hours? Could somebody who isn't employed by you follow an actual employee through an open door and easily gain access to valuable assets or information?

That's why it's important to have established security protocols and best practices. Access to secure areas should be restricted to only those who need it and using identification badges would make it easy to identify people who don't belong in certain areas. Also, consider securing building, equipment, and vehicle keys when they're not in use in a locked box or electronic key control system to prevent misuse or the potential loss of a key.

Foster a Culture of Security

Like basic physical security measures, new protocols will only be as effective as the employees who stick to them. If your employees are unaware of the new rules or simply don't practice them, they leave the business and their fellow employees at risk of theft or violent attacks.

Be sure to regularly train your employees on new security practices and emphasize the importance of adhering to the protocols. You must foster a culture of security if you want your measures to work, and employees need to understand they'll be held accountable for any security breaches.

Maintain Access Logs

Knowing who accessed what and when is a critical part of holding employees accountable. For example, poor key management could lead to an unauthorized person using a company vehicle with no oversight. If that person was in a wreck, your business could then be held liable for not restricting that employee's access to the vehicle. And if your access logs don't show the keys every being checked out, how could you defend yourself?

Whatever security measures you take, be sure you have a way to accurately track access to keys and secure assets and areas. Use an electronic key control system to automatically log key activity, prevent key misuse, and hold employees accountable.

For more tips on protecting your business, check out our eBook "Five Steps to Make Your Facility More Secure."
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