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Customer Tip: KeyTrak Training for Every Learning Style

Regular training plays a vital role in empowering your staff to use the KeyTrak system effectively. But everyone has a unique way of learning. Some people need to see and hear information to absorb it, while others learn by doing. By incorporating various learning methods into your system training, you can help users better understand and remember how to use the system. Let’s take a look at the four main learning styles in the workplace and how to cater to them.

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Visual Learners

Visual learners gravitate to visual content such as videos and graphics. These are the people who throw away the instruction manual and go straight to YouTube or TikTok to master something new. To engage this type of learner, use the following training strategies:

  • Have them browse our video library for a KeyTrak overview (great for new employees!).
  • Create learning resources with graphics and pictures.
  • Make screen-recorded videos demonstrating specific system processes your organization uses. 

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners absorb information best through listening. If you know anyone who’d rather listen to an audiobook than read a paper copy, they’re likely an auditory learner. Here’s how to accommodate their learning style:

  • Encourage them to sit down for a Q&A session with an experienced employee who knows how to use the system.
  • Have them call our software support department. Our team is happy to talk through any questions or issues.


Reading Learners

Text is best for reading learners, who absorb information by reading or writing it. They’re the people who take detailed notes during presentations and watch video content with the captions on. To help them learn, consider the following tips:

  • Refer them to your KeyTrak system’s Help menu, which contains the answers to many of the questions users might encounter.
  • Include transcripts for any training videos.
  • Document your organization’s specific system processes for them to refer back to.
  • Encourage them to take notes during training.

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners, or tactile learners, thrive by engaging in hands-on experiences. They'll spend hours tinkering with a new gadget rather than cracking open the instructional manual or watching a setup video. For this type of learner, the following learning approaches are ideal:

  • Give them plenty of opportunities to practice specific tasks like removing a key or adding a user.
  • Allow them to explore the system’s functionalities through trial and error. (Be sure to set up the user’s appropriate access levels to ensure they only have access to features relevant to their job).
  • Incorporate role-playing scenarios into your training.


By combining various resources and training methods, you can help visual, auditory, reading, and kinesthetic learners become proficient KeyTrak users. Whether it's live training, documentation, or engaging in hands-on practice, embrace the full potential of your team by leveraging our training resources and ensuring that everyone receives the support they need to excel.

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