Using Multifactor Authentication to Protect Physical Keys

Just as you use multifactor authentication to protect your digital assets, you should protect your physical keys and fobs with multiple layers of security.

Customer Tip: The Top 10 KeyTrak Supplies

Not sure which supplies you need for your KeyTrak system? Learn about our most popular supplies.

Assisted Living Facilities Can't Afford to Get Key Control Wrong

Accurate records are important in every medical setting, but not all important records are medical. Do you know who has your facility's keys?

The Top 10 Key Control Myths

Are you buying into the top key control myths? It’s time to challenge your assumptions. Your facility’s security depends on it.

3 Ways Property Managers Can Break Through Productivity Barriers

Multifamily property managers have countless tasks to juggle every day. See how simple improvements can help you break through your productivity barriers.

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    Since 1987, KeyTrak’s electronic key control systems have helped organizations worldwide manage their keys, assets, and employees. The KeyTrak blog is your source for key and asset management news, best practices, and more.