Your Essential Guide to a Year-End Key Control Review

With our guide, you’ll strengthen your key control strategy for the year ahead. Reflect on past performance, set goals, plan improvements, and more.

3 Essential Key Control Measures to Boost Hotel Security

Discover how to improve your hotel's key control practices. You’ll provide peace of mind to your guests and protect your reputation.

3 Ways Campus Police Can Enhance Transparency and Accountability

Campus police can improve transparency and accountability by tracking key access, holding key holders responsible, and conducting efficient key audits.

3 Reasons to Switch From Manual Key Logs to Electronic Key Control

Here are three reasons to consider switching from manual to electronic key control.

4 Times Rogue Corrections Officers Misused Jail Keys

When rogue corrections officers misuse keys, they put others at risk. Learn from these real-life examples to secure your keys and protect your facility.

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    Since 1987, KeyTrak’s electronic key control systems have helped organizations worldwide manage their keys, assets, and employees. The KeyTrak blog is your source for key and asset management news, best practices, and more.