Customer Tip: Create a Daily Key Control System Checklist

Spending a few minutes on these tasks every day will help your key management be more effective.

How to Predict and Prevent Employee Theft

Protect your business from insider threats by understanding why employees steal and implementing measures to identify and investigate theft.

A 4-Minute History of Key Control

From keys worn as rings to electronic drawers to smart locks, see how key control has changed over the centuries.

What Happens When You Don't Have Accurate Key Control Records?

Learn how to create a key control audit trail that protects your organization from major headaches and liability.

Tricks to Look Out for This Halloween

Take precautions against burglaries and vehicle thefts this Halloween.

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    Since 1987, KeyTrak’s electronic key control systems have helped organizations worldwide manage their keys, assets, and employees. The KeyTrak blog is your source for key and asset management news, best practices, and more.